December 16, 2010

USB unsuccessful installed in windows 7 vista

Installing USB driver seems to face a lot of problem in Windows 7 and Windows Vista. Even when you try to install your broadband driver, these two windows will give an error like, "Device driver software was not successfully installed". This problem is likely because some of your registry key is missing. This problem never appear on Windows XP machine. (i guess)

Here is a simple solution for this problem.

1- Click the windows logo in your taskbar and type regedit then press enter!
2- If the User Control (or whatever it is) appear, click yes and voilla!! the registry window will appear.
3- Now, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, click the small plus sign. Then, click again the small plus sign next to SOFTWARE, after that the small plus sign next to microsoft, then finally, the small plus sign next to windows.

the full location will be >>
4- On the windows tree, click the current version folder. DO NOT click the plus sign!!!
5- Look for DevicePath on left column. If you DONT see any DevicePath, you have to create it manually.

To create the registry key manually, simply right-click on any white space and a menu will appear. Click new and select Expandable String Value. Name the new key as DevicePath then press Enter.

Double-click your newly created key and type this >> %systemroot%\inf;%systemroot%\system32 (or, you can copy and paste this)

Finally, restart your computer and re-install your USB. Your installation will progress sucessfully!

(i will add image, maybe a video later)

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